EMF inspections in St. Catharines and area.

Professional EMF Inspections Concerned about EMF? You are wise to look into this hot topic and to seek professional advice on how to reduce EMF exposure. I am an EMF inspector providing testing services in St Catharines and surrounding area in the Niagara Peninsula, including Grimsby, Stoney Creek, etc. My experience and background includes hundredsContinue reading “EMF inspections in St. Catharines and area.”

Pre-purchase EMF inspections in Montreal

Are you looking at buying a new home, but it’s near power lines, or perhaps it’s near a cell tower that looks like it might be too close? Find out if it’s safe or not. Contact us for a pre-purchase EMF inspection. We can test for potential issues, provide details on possible solutions, or simplyContinue reading “Pre-purchase EMF inspections in Montreal”

Swanwick Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Blue Light Protection. Sleep well. Stay focused. Look good. We now have Swannies. Now shipping to all locations in the U.S. and Canada. We tested blue light blocking glasses for over a year and conclude that they DO HELP. A lot!  Sleep is critical for your overall health. But, it can be the first thingContinue reading “Swanwick Blue Light Blocking Glasses”

EMF inspector Richmond Hill and Markham Ontario area

WE DO EMF INSPECTIONS IN RICHMOND HILL AND MARKHAM ONTARIO Are you thinking of buying a home near power lines? Did you know that even if you don’t see any power lines, there can still be higher than desirable magnetic fields or hidden wiring issues in or near your home? Did you know that elevated magnetic, electrical, andContinue reading “EMF inspector Richmond Hill and Markham Ontario area”

Safe distance and power lines. What distance is safe?

What is a safe distance from power lines? Should I buy a home near power lines?

Testing for EMF radiation before you purchase a new home or for your existing home. What you need to know.

In order to properly test for  electromagnetic fields (EMFs), you need a test meter to do the job. Actually, you need 2 or 3 of them. There are three types of EMF you need to measure: 1. Magnetic fields This type of radiation is the one that’s linked to serious health effects most often. For example theContinue reading “Testing for EMF radiation before you purchase a new home or for your existing home. What you need to know.”